Finding Accurate Real Estate Info Online in Utah

Everyone has their go-to website when they want some information, and the real estate world is no different. There is both reliable and truthful information out there, and some not-so-reliable or truthful information that’s peddled strictly for personal gain.

It’s important for you to know that Utah is a non-disclosure state. Unless someone is licensed as a Realtor or appraiser by the state, they do not have access to the same information that we do. If you’re getting your home values in Utah from sites published by these imposters, the information is not valid. They’re using different algorithms and basically using guesswork.

Get the right information the first time.

Talk to a professional and get the right information the first time. Buying a home is a big investment. If you’re looking at homes for sale on any other site besides mine or, I can’t guarantee you’re seeing valid homes for sale, and not just clickbait. Keep that in mind and tell your friends and family so that they’re not getting bad information, either.

If you have any other real estate questions, give me a call or send me an email. I would be happy to help you!