What Can You Expect from Salt Lake City Real Estate in 2016?

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This year has started off with a bang when it comes to the stock market. There has been a lot of turmoil in our global economy and our global markets, China in particular, and it has made investors a bit uneasy. We feel a good solution to global economic instability for investors is to invest in local real estate in order to diversify their portfolios.

A shaky world economy is beneficial to local real estate markets, as it's likely interest rates on mortgages won't see much of an increase this year. While the Fed has raised rates slightly, they're only short-term rates. Currently, you can lock in an interest rate around 4%, which is fantastic.

There is more good news. In 2015, home values increased significantly, and we're expecting more of the same this year. Some people fear that we're in a bubble because things are going so well, but the fact of the matter is that our current conditions are historically normal. Lenders are more careful about who they give loans out to now, so it's not likely that we'll see another sudden downfall.

If you have any questions about what to expect in 2016, or if you need real estate assistance of any kind, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We would love to hear from you!

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